GPT Preventing Electrical Bridging in Pipeline Isolation Joints

In today’s Oil and Gas industry, increasing demands and conditions have become commonplace and are only set to continue as operators maximize and improve efficiencies in their processes. The increase in sour gas is one such example. Increased sour gas percentages are being experienced across the globe, presenting unique challengers to pipeline operators.  

Sour gas can interact with moisture in pipelines and the metallurgy in the pipe to create Iron Sulfide known as “black powder”, a conductive material that can bridge isolation joints.

CASE STUDY: Overcoming Electrical Bridging with EVOLUTION®

For years, this customer has battled losing isolation across the flange isolation kit, not because of a gasket failure or mis-installation, but instead because of the media going through the line. In these lines, solid conductive deposits build up at the flange intersection, allowing CP current to take this path, jumping the isolation kit, and continuing to the next flange. Download the case study.

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Troubleshooting Common Failures with Isolation Kits

This webinar provides a unique insight into the most common failure modes of isolation gaskets and how to avoid and overcome these issues. GPT's application engineering team is exposed to various challenges and issues faced by corrosion professionals. In this interactive discussion, two of the most common failure scenarios are reviewed.