The suite of products and services are carefully selected to deliver solutions for a wide range of pipeline applications. We are entrenched with the products represented and are integrally involved in improvements, development, needs assessment and testing. We understand the issues and challenges and work diligently with customers and manufacturers on solutions for complex situations often involving multiple applications. Great pride is taken to provide a level of service and technical knowledge that cannot be found from other manufacturers’ reps.

products & services represented

Bruest - HOTCAT Flameless Gas Heater

Bruest - Freeze-Fiter

CECO Peerless - Separators

GPT- IsoSmart


GPT - Evolution Gasket

GPT - Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ)

ZEVAC Emission Elimination

Blackline Safety


Gazomat - Gazoscan Methane Leak Detection

T. D. Williamson - Stopple Equipment & Services

T. D. Williamson - Hot Tapping Equipment & Services

T.D. Williamson - Pigs

T. D. Williamson - Pigging Solutions & Closures

CECO Burgess - Silencers

TEK-FINS - Air Cooled Heat Exchangers

Education & training

Consistent and comprehensive product training can make or break productivity. From the beginning, the Kerr team has been educating and demonstrating product applications, troubleshooting and teaching best practices. Mistakes and breakdowns often occur because of a lack of the right information. Our goal is to ensure that training and information sessions lead to improved efficiency, risk reduction and help avoid costly mistakes.

The KERR team are frequently asked to speak and run workshops at trade shows, short courses and industry events.

Field demonstrations and training sessions on site can be customized for each customer’s needs. To schedule a job site visit or educational presentation, contact us today.

East Coast Utility Avoided Costly Line Shut Down

Situation: An East Coast Gas distribution utility had a dilemma on their hands. A major local highway needed to be widened and one of their main 12″ PE Lines was right in the way. The traditional method of relocating a PE Line would have used large hydraulic squeeze tools and would have required multiple fittings, and very large excavations to fit the tools and complete the work. In one area, the squeeze tools could not have even been used because of the proximity of the work area to butt fusion joints.

Solution: Kerr Engineered Sales presented the TD Williamson Large Diameter PE Hot Tapping and Plugging System to the Distribution Company and they chose to use this method to complete their relocation. Several 12″ Stops were performed using traditional Top Entry SHORTSTOPP PE Fittings, and the Bottom out Bypass Tee Fittings.

Results: The work was completed in a safe and timely manner without the lines being taken out of service.

catalytic Pipeline Heater improves performance

Situation: A major East Coast Gas Transmission company called Kerr about a couple of stations where their existing heater equipment was failing. The problems resulted in how our new improved technology would adapt to the environment and provide safe and reliable service. At one of the stations the heater that was previously in service was located outside and had to transfer the heat over 25 feet. This made it very inefficient and costly to operation.

Solution: With the help from Kerr and Bruest Catalytic we provided a very simple, safe, and efficient heater that was installed inside the building. This was only made possible with the fact that the heater is rated for Class 1 DIV 2 and can be put in a hazardous location.

Results: The performance of the heater has led to reduced maintenance time, reduced operating costs from reduction in fuel Consumption) and a simplified operating system.



Situation: A major eastern energy company was using foam pigs infrequently and improperly to pig lines into a compressor station. The station ended up flooding with liquid which cost over $500k to repair, clean and restart.

Solution: When the Kerr team was called in, they immediately recognized the problem and source. The compressor station needed a different design of pigs, closures, pig signals and closure door.  Education and comprehensive training would be critical for proper process, maintenance and safety. Kerr worked closely with the energy company on the plans, selection of pigs, quotes and recommendations for TDW equipment. The training sessions included three days of hands-on pig runs in the field.

Results: With consistent, efficient pigging the compressor station has run maintenance free over six months.  The TDW pigs were run 75 times. A maintenance plan is in place and the technicians know how to avoid future problems. 


Plant Shutdown Avoided at Manufacturing Plant

Situation: A New England high tech manufacturing plant that had a chilled water piping system was running under capacity which was restricting the output of the plant. A 12″ line was being run through a 8 meter/line causing a problem in the flow rate, due to a flow restriction. Shutting down the plant to fix the equipment would have cost $1Million/day.

Solutions: The Kerr team proposed solutions that enabled removing the flow restriction while keeping the system on line. TDW Services served as project managers and provided welding services. Extensive training from Kerr provided the necessary education and assurance about the process, field assessment work, job reviews, and field follow up.

Results: The plant’s system successfully stayed in service throughout the project. It was delivered on time and within the budget, avoiding expensive shut downs which would have cost approximately $2 -5 Million.

Environmental Crisis Averted – NYC Waste Water

Situation: A major NYC sewage pumping station had a dilemma of how to replace a broken pump without shutting their system down. Government restrictions would not allow the station to open the bypass valves and freeflow the sewage into a major river. The company had to find another way to meet critical environmental restrictions.

Solution: The Kerr sales team intervened with a proven solution to this very difficult and highly charged problem that had the potential to escalate into an environmental crisis. The solution included having the plant install new valves and a pump, all while keeping the plant in normal operation. Kerr provided consultation, comprehensive education from TDW Services, job site assistance, and follow up.

Results: The cost-effective equipment package and solutions were quickly orchestrated to avert a very serious and ethical challenge for the company.