NGA Fall Operations Conference Oct 6&7

October 6-7, 2022 Saratoga Hilton, Saratoga Springs, New York

Join the KERR team at the Northeast Gas Association Fall Operations Conference

NGA’s 2022 Fall Operations Conference is open to natural gas distribution and transmission company operations personnel with interests in customer services, utilization, damage prevention, pipeline safety, methane emissions reduction.

The conference has four separate tracks with workshops and breakout sessions on both days. The four tracks include:

  • C u s t o m e r S e r v i ce s / U t i l i z a t i o n

  • D a m a g e P r e v e n t i o n

  • P i p e l i n e S a f e t y M a n a g e m e n t

  • Me t h a n e E m i s s i o n s & R e d u c t i o n

Kerr Engineered Sales Company has been representing leading pipeline repair and performance companies in Eastern US since the company was founded in 1952. Seventy years later, the company is still a family run business serving customers with the highest quality service and support.